Sunday, June 5, 2011

Road Trip


Last weekend (Memorial Day weekend) we had planned to go camping. Well, we all wimped out! Way too cold for our least for camping. Soooooo, we ended up going to Steamboat Springs for the long weekend. We had gotten a great deal on a "mud season" rental. We kept it a secret from the kids. After Raymee's Kindergarten graduation, we headed out to the car and said we needed to go home to get our bags. Raymee eyed us very suspiciously and said...."What are you two planning?" "A TRIP"! we said.

Road Trip!

Road Trip!

They were both so excited. We spent almost 5 1/2 hours playing in the Hot Springs pool on Saturday, taking breaks for lunch, naps and dinner. On Sunday, we took a beautiful little hike to see Fish Creek Waterfall, had lunch and then headed to the Botanic Gardens. Not a whole lot of blooms this time of year there yet, but still a nice walk).

I love how they aren't even looking at the flowers! Apparently I was the only one excited about the blooms!

 In amongst all those activities and "doings" we had a lot of un-rushed, family down-time. It was GREAT! We just enjoyed each other and those great personalities God has given each one of our kiddos.

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